Instituto Butantan (2018-2019)
The Instituto Butantan is set in an 80-hectare park with plenty of greenery and historic buildings. Its main mission is oriented to “develop research and products that contribute to health access and sharing knowledge with society”. The social relevance of Instituto Butantan nationally and internationally, in the development of scientific research in the fields of microbiology, immunology and pharmacology and in the production of vaccines, justifies the concentrated effort to renew and expand the role of Butantan museums and the Museu de Saúde Pública Emilio Ribas, both working with the dissemination of knowledge among the population, stimulating public understanding of science and its processes.
In Butantan museums there is a great diversity of subjects, what we should look for is the convergence and complementarity between them - each with its own characteristics and missions. We intend to develop in each exhibition as a whole, museographic strategies and narrative structures that associate scientific, historical, anthropological and sociological knowledge, gathering them and producing unique ambiences. The museographic spaces allow us to think of them as true formative, informative and investigative territories.
Fundação Butantan