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Main areas of activity

Design and curatorship of exhibitions and museums

Idealization, screenwriting, direction and production of documentaries

Multimedia educational projects

Editorial planning and creation


Design and curatorship of exhibitions and museums


Curatorial project, creation of contents and museographic conception of the Museu de Saúde Pública Emílio Ribas, SP – Instituto Butantan (under construction)

São Paulo - SP 

Fundação Butantan


Curatorial renovation project and integration of the Instituto Butantan

São Paulo - SP

Fundação Butantan


Curatorial renovation project of the Museu da Língua Portuguesa – Fundação Roberto Marinho

São Paulo - SP

Secretária da Cultura do Estado de São Paulo


Curatorial project, creation of contents and museographic conception of the Museu da Cidade de Pelotas (under construction)


Brazilian Ministry of Culture



Curatorial project, creation of contents and museographic conception of the Museu das Missões (under construction)

São Miguel das Missões-RS

Brazilian Ministry of Culture


Curatorial project, creation of contents and museographic conception of the Cais do Sertão Museu Luiz Gonzaga


Brazilian Ministry of Culture



Museum and curatorial project of the permanent exhibition As Utopias de Darcy Ribeiro

Darcy Ribeiro Memorial


Brazilian Ministry of Culture


Museum and curatorial project of the multimedia installation Um sonho de Brasil – Darcy Ribeiro

Ordem do Mérito Cultural 2010

Rio de Janeiro-RJ

Brazilian Ministry of Culture



Museum and curatorial project of the exhibition Marighella

Memorial of the Resistance - Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo-SP

Caixa Cultural, RJ

Teatro Castro Alves, BA


Creation of contents and museographic conception of the Museu do Pampa (under construction)


Municipality of Jaguarão




Direction of contents and museographic conception of the permanent multimedia exhibition Estação Natureza: biodiversidade brasileira

Boticário Foundation

University of São Paulo



Content direction and screewriting for various projects of the Museu da Língua Portuguesa, among which: Idiomaterno (Auditorium), Religião, Carnavais, Culinária, Natureza e Cultura, Valores e Saberes and Raiz Lusa

São Paulo-SP

Roberto Marinho Foundation


Design and production of the exhibition El Brasil de Lina Bo Bardi – arquitectura y design popular

Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City

Lina Bo and PM Bardi Institute


Idealization, screenwriting, direction and production of documentaries


Creation and direction of the series of 12 documentaries A cidade no Brasil (A cidade, Cidade ameríndia/metrópole neoindígena, Cidade ibérica na América, Cidade africana, Cidades do ouro/cidade e mestiçagem, Sertão, cidade, segregação

Cidade e migrações, Cidade natural e cidade do desperdício, Cidade, memória e utopia, O direito à cidade)



Creation and direction of the series of 12 documentaries Galáxias (Cidades, Identidade nacional, Economia, Meio-ambiente, Política, Movimentos sociais, Indivíduos e comportamento, Produção estética, Educação, Universidade, Mídia, O Brasil no Mundo)


Institute of Brazilian Studies, USP



Screenwriting and direction of documentaries for the exhibition As maneiras de expor de Lina

Brazilian House Museum, SP



Screenwriting and direction of documentaries for the exhibition Sesc Pompéia – 30 anos

Sesc Pompéia, SP



Screenwriting, direction and co-production of the feature film Marighella

Selected for the Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, Havana, Cuba, 2011

Finalist in the Fest-Aruanda 2011, João Pessoa-PB, 2011

Selected to open the 2º Festival de Documentários de Cachoeira-BA, 2011

Finalist in the 35º Mostra Internacional de São Paulo, 2011

Finalist in the “Première Brasil” at Festival do Rio, 2011

Selected for the 11° Mercado de Cine Iberoamericano en Guadalajara, México, 2012

Selected for the DOC BRASIL Festival 2012- 3º Festival de Documentários Brasileiros na China

Selected for the Forum Doc, Belo Horizonte-MG, 2012

Selected for the Festival Ventana Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012

Selected for the Mostra de Cinema de Osasco-SP, 2012

Best feature film in the 7º Mostra Cinema e Direitos Humanos na América Latina, 27 Brazilian Capitals, Brazilian Ministry of Culture/Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic, 2012

Selected for the 13º Retrospectiva do Cinema Brasileiro, Cinesesc – SP, 2012

5o Prêmio CINEB do Cinema Brasileiro, 2014



Screenwriting and direction of the documentary Museu Nacional da Cultura Afro-Brasileira



Screenwriting and direction of the documentary A cidade não Para



Screenwriting and direction of the documentary Darcy Ribeiro: um vulcão de ideias

Tevê Latino Americana


Screenwriting and direction of the documentary O milagre do pão




Idealization, screenwriting and direction of the ten-episode series O Valor do Amanhã (Entre a lógica e o sonhoCigarras e formigasCoquetel de hormôniosEnvelhecerOs cantos da sereiaTempo é dinheiro?Tempo de quê?No meio do caminhoAs regras do jogoAmanhã ninguém sabe) based on the homonymous work of Eduardo Giannetti, for Fantástico TV show

Rede Globo



General direction of the video installation Navio Negreiro

Museu AfroBrasil

São Paulo-SP


Screenwriting for the Programa Escola que Vale




Screenwriting for the documentary Pinacoteca: um pedaço de sonho

TV Cultura


Screenwriting for the documentary Lasar Segall

TV Cultura



Formatting for the series Ética, with Renato Janine Ribeiro

Canal Futura



Direction of contents and screenwriting for Museu da Língua Portuguesa projects, among which: Idiomaterno (Auditorium), ReligiãoCarnavais, CulináriaNatureza e CulturaValores e Saberes and Raiz Lusa

São Paulo-SP

Roberto Marinho Foundation


Screenwriting and direction of documentary Umas Velhices

SESC São Paulo

Selected for the III Brasil Documenta, 2003



Idealization, screenwriting and direction of the series of 15 documentaries Intérpretes do Brasil (Portugal, Brasil, by Judith Cortesão; Viva o Sertão, by Antonio Risério; Vontade de Beleza, by Washington Novaes; O Sonho Português, by Roberto Pinho; O Candomblé do Brasil, by Mãe Stela; Pé na Estrada, by Paulo Vanzolini; Mistura e Invenção, by Hermano Vianna; Os Vários Brasis, by Aziz Ab’Saber; Presença Africana, by Carlos Serrano; Notas sobre o Brasil, by Darcy Ribeiro; Mar de Escravos, by Luiz Felipe de Alencastro; Leituras sobre o Brasil, by Roberto da Matta; Saberes, by Manoela Carneiro da Cunha; Negro de Corpo e Alma, by Emanoel Araujo)

Canal Arte e Cultura

TV Cultura

Selected for the IV Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental, 2002

“Best screenplay”, at the VI Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul, with “Intérpretes do Brasil – Os Caipiras, by Antonio Cândido”

Screenwriting and direction of the documentary Cultura da Convivência

SESC São Paulo


Idealization, screenwriting and direction of the documentary Mistura e Invenção

Itaú Cultural



Idealization, screenwriting and direction of the series of 10 documentaries O Povo Brasileiro (Matriz Tupi, Matriz Lusa, Matriz Afro, Encontros e Desencontros, Brasil Crioulo, Brasil Caipira, Brasil Sertanejo, Brasil Caboclo, Brasis Sulinos, Invenção do Brasil)


TV Cultura

Participation in the festival États Généraux du Film Documentaire, in Lussas, France, 2000

“Best Cultural Production for TV”, in the Grande Prêmio Brasil, 2000

Finalist in the Cultural Issues category in the 2000 Television Programming and Promotion Competition, The New York Festival, 2000

Selected for the III Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental, 2001

Participation in the É Tudo Verdade festival, 2001



Special counseling to the presidency for the creation of the Nova TVE

Roquette Pinto Foundation


Coordination of Special Projects for the Nova TVE

Roquette Pinto Foundation



Screenwriting and direction of the documentary Darcy, formador de gente

Rede Sarah de Hospitais


Screenwriting and direction of the documentary Raízes do Brasil, about the book by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda

TV Cultura


Realization of the documentary Lina Bo Bardi

Lina Bo and P.M. Bardi Institute


Screenwriting for As Religiões Africanas no Brasil coauthored with Pierre Verger

Ford Foundation - Video Projects Contest in celebration of the centennial of the abolition of slavery

“Best screenplay”, in the Ford Foundation Video Projects Contest


Multimedia educational projects


General coordination and creative direction of the multimedia project Valor do Amanhã

Instituto Unibanco




Screenwriting for the Programa Escola que Vale




General coordination and creative direction of the multimedia project Gênesis

Sebastião Salgado





General coordination and creative direction of the multimedia project Missão Ambiente – Responsabilidade Socioambiental dos Brasileiros

Cultural Foundation of the Brazilian Army




Idealization and general coordination for the creation of the Dossiê Biodiversidade




Counseling to the Audiovisual Secretariat for the creation of Canal Cultura e Arte

Brazilian Ministry of Culture



Creative direction and screenwriting for 36 programs of the series Professor Profissional

Darcy Ribeiro Foundation



General coordination of the project Escola Normal Superior de Educação a Distância

Darcy Ribeiro Foundation

Brazilian Ministry of Education and Sports



Realization and coordination of the TV Escola project, educational channel directed at elementary schools and the Revista da TV Escola

Brazilian Ministry of Education and Sports



Idealization and coordination of the Encontros de Humanidades of the International Children's Biennial

São Paulo Biennial Foundation


Screenwriting for the documentary Tratado de Educação Ambiental

International NGO Forum


Screenwriting for the series Raízes e Asas, for the training of public school teachers

Research Center for Education and Culture




Realization and general direction of the project Educação Pela Tevê, programming aimed at teacher training, coordinated by Darcy Ribeiro: series Rede Geral and Curso Livre de Atualização de Conhecimentos

Extraordinary Secretariat of Special Programs, Rio de Janeiro



Planning and implementation of a Public Video Library, coordinated by Darcy Ribeiro

Norte-Fluminense University, RJ



Creative direction and general coordination of the project Professor da Pré-Escola - videos and printed materials

Roberto Marinho Foundation



Planning and implementation of the Video Library of the Latin American Memorial, under the coordination of Darcy Ribeiro



Coordination of project contents for Brasil, Corpo e Alma – videos

Roberto Marinho Foundation



Coordination of project contents for Telecurso 1º grauCrianças do Brasil, Telecurso 2º grau – videos and printed materials

Roberto Marinho Foundation



“Darcy Ribeiro, um brasileiro sem complexo de inferioridade”

Isa Grinspum Ferraz

Published in the book Humanistas e cientistas do Brasil – Ciências Humanas, Luiz Edmundo de Magalhães (org.). EDUSP and Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, 2015.


“Darcy Ribeiro”

Isa Grinspum Ferraz and Agnaldo dos Santos

Published in the book Intérpretes do Brasil: clássicos, rebeldes e renegados, Luiz Bernardo Pericás and Lincoln Ferreira Secco (org.). Editora Boitempo, 2014.



Isa Grinspum Ferraz

Published in the book 1964-2014: Golpe Militar e Direitos Humanos, Maria Ribeiro do Valle (org.). Editora Cultura Acadêmica, 2014.


Darcy Ribeiro, Utopia Brasil

Isa Grinspum Ferraz (org.). Editora Hedra, 2008.


Ilha Deserta: filmes

Editora Publifolha, 2003.

Museu de Arte de São Paulo

Edited by Isa Grinspum Ferraz under editorial coordination of Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz. Editora Blau and Instituto Lina Bo e P. M. Bardi, 1997.


Lina Bo Bardi

Selection and editing of texts by Isa Grinspum Ferraz for book conceived by André Vainer, Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz, Marcelo Suzuki e Victor Nosek, under editorial coordination of Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz. Instituto Lina Bo e P. M. Bardi, 1993.


História do Masp de Pietro Maria Bardi

Editorial design and editing of images by Isa Grinspum Ferraz and Victor Nosek. Instituto Quadrante, 1992.

Tempos de Grossura: o Design no Impasse de Lina Bo Bardi

Book organized by Isa Grinspum Ferraz in 1980. Subsequently published with editorial coordination of Marcelo Suzuki. Instituto Lina Bo e P. M. Bardi, 1994.


Other relevant activities



Cultural Director of the Darcy Ribeiro Foundation



Participation in the Selection Committee of the I International Documentary Forum Brasil Documenta - GNT




Participation in the Jury of the International Film Festival BR-2001 - Brazilian Ministry of Culture

Ministério da Cultura



Founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Darcy Ribeiro Foundation



Collaborator of the anthropologist, educator and senator Darcy Ribeiro in different multimedia projects



Collaborator of the architect Lina Bo Bardi



Other awards



"100 most influential Brazilians of the year" by IstoÉ magazine


Winner of the "Cláudia Award" in the Culture category

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