Museu da Língua Portuguesa (2006)
The creation of Museu da Língua Portuguesa at Estação da Luz, a centennial train station located in the center of São Paulo, was a daring one. How to make language - the most perfect (and mutant) portrait of a people - a museum theme? With what collection? How to overcome the prejudices and barriers of class and formation, and speak to all Brazilians about the beauties of our prose, verse and song?
In the Museu da Língua Portuguesa, language is the raw material. It is seen as a phenomenon at the same time historical, social and cultural: as sound, as meaning, as practice, as a distinctive cultural sign, as a social mortar, as an entity always in movement. In the Museu da Língua Portuguesa, the Portuguese language of Brazil reveals itself in its great diversity.
The museum, a democratic space, allows the visitor to discover how this living and changing language is a collective creation that has a long and beautiful history, fruit of the encounters and disagreements between different peoples and cultures. And that it has produced works of great variety, strength and beauty, whether erudite or popular, in the most varied corners of the country.
In 10 years of existence, the museum was visited by 4 million people. It changed paradigms about what a museum is, in Brazil and abroad.
Conception and general direction: Hugo Barreto
Argument: Roberto Pinho, Antonio Riserio
Content and script coordinator: Isa Grinspum Ferraz
Content: Alberto da Costa e Silva, Alfredo Bosi, Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara Cabral, Antonio Risério, Arthur Nestrovski, Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues, Ataliba Teixeira de Castilho, Carlos Alberto Ricardo, Cláudio Torres, Leda Maria Alves, Ivo Castro, Jorge Couto, José Miguel Wisnik, Leandro Karnal, Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Marilza Oliveira, Mário Eduardo Viaro, Mirta Groppi, Oswaldo Truzzi, Yeda Pessoa de Castro
Artistic direction and technological conception: Marcello Dantas
Expographic executive project: Vasco Caldeira, Flavia D'Amico
Art direction and graphic project: Rico Lins, Renata Reis
Audiovisual research: Helena Tassara (coordenação), Eloá Chouzal, Jorge Grinspum, Solange Santos, Leila Queiroz, Maria Alice Generoso, Mônica Cleophas, Mônica Médici, Ana Lucia Pinho, Andréa Wanderley, Eduardo Magalhães
Iconographic research: Vladimir Sacchetta (coordenação), Érika Teixeira, Mônica Médici
Technology: Peter Lindquist, Gilberto Nicola Bernardo
Architecture: Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Pedro Mendes da Rocha
Expography: Ralph Appelbaum, Andrés Clerici, James Cathcart
Museology: Marcelo Mattos Araújo, Cristina Bruno
Executive production: Arte 3
Tree of Words
Sculpture: Rafic Farah
Soundtrack: Arnaldo Antunes, Antônio Risério
Argument: Antônio Risério
Script: Isa Grinspum Ferraz
Direction: Tadeu Jungle, Marcelo Presotto
Language Square
Curatorship and script: Arthur Nestrovski, José Miguel Wisnik
Artistic direction: Marcello Dantas
Graphic design: Eduardo Menezes, Guilherme Grabalos Stecht
3d animations: André Wissenbach
Musical production and audio: Cacá Machado
Big gallery
Script: Isa Grinspum Ferraz, Marcelo Macca, Marcos Pompéia
Films: Cotidiano, Culinária, Danças, Futebol
Direction: Vítor lopes
Films: Carnavais, Festas,Músicas, Natureza e cultura, Relações humanas
Direction: Carlos Nader
Films: Religiões, Raiz lusa
Direction: Marcello Dantas
Direction: Ricardo Van Steen
Script: Ana Ligabue, Marcos Pompéia
Videos and multimedia interface: Carlos Ebert, Daniela Ferrari
Illustrations: Sírio Cançado
Script: Marcelo Macca
Objects curatorship: Flávia Galli Tatsch, Leandro Karnal
Interface design: 10 minutos
Illustrations: Sírio Cançado
Word alley
Curatorship: Marcelo Tas
Animations and art direction: Liana Brazil
Script: Bráulio Mantovani, Marcelo Tas
Technological development: Russ Rive
General coordination: Silvia Finguerut, Jarbas Mantovanini, Lucia Basto
Roberto Marinho Foundation
Government of the State of São Paulo
Brazilian Ministry of Culture