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A Utopia Brasil (2010)

In November 2010, Darcy Ribeiro was the great honoree of the Order of Cultural Merit, in a ceremony held at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. For that event, an outdoor installation was conceived in Cinelândia, in the space between the Municipal Theater, the National Library and the City Hall.


We set up a light and fluid structure that was very attractive: a kind of penetrable, a labyrinth whose exterior walls subjected in both a poetic and a political way the maxim of Darcy: A dream of Brazil - the mestizo tropical civilization and its planetary message. Or just the Utopia Brazil.


Big panels with stunning photos of Brazil, a few phrases about the country written by Darcy, and a large screen displaying in a loop an agile and vigorous edition of excerpts from Darcy's speech.


The well-lighted exhibition was set up day and night in the midst of Cinelândia for a week.


Curatorship and creative direction: Isa Grinspum Ferraz

Expography: Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz

Art direction: Prata Design

Research: Camila Djurovic


Darcy Ribeiro Foundation

Brazilian Ministry of Culture

Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
Darcy Ribeiro - A Utopia Brasil
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