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A Cidade Não Para (2008)

A Cidade Não Para is a fifty minutes long documentary, recreating an archaeology of Santo André, a city located in a strategic region between the sea and the plateau of São Paulo, whose occupation is one of the oldest in Brazil. The documentary reveals the various layers of city under the present one, built by men and women of various ethnicities and provenances, throughout centuries of history. Through this history, we can better understand the very formation of Brazilian cities and their people.

We divided the narrative into five major periods, remarkable phases of the history of the region and, to a certain extent, of Brazil: the initial colonization of the territory by the Tupi People; the arrival of the Portuguese colonizers and the agrarian-export economy, with slave labor; the coffee and the railroad; the first industrialization; the postwar industry and the automobile age; globalization and the contemporary city.

The documentary was made as part of an urban education project that took place in Santo André.


Argument, screenwriting and direction: Isa Grinspum Ferraz

Executive production: Jorge Grinspum

Cinematography: Adrian Cooper

Image research: Helena Tassara e Mônica Médici

Film editing: Sílvia Hayashi

Assistant film editor: Olivia Brenga

Art direction: Victor Lema Rique

Original soundtrack/sound editing: Cacá Machado

Animation: Henrique Bacana

Narration: Pascoal da Conceição

Model: Ricardo Mendes

Finalization: Marco Del Fiol

Production: Martha Nogueira

Assistant screenwriter: Marcos Grinspum Ferraz

Direct sound: Gabi Cunha

Content coordination: Margareth Matiko Uemura, Giselle Megumi Tanaka, Rosana Denaldi

Content Consultants: Suzana Kleeb, João Sette Whitaker Ferreira,

Sylvia Helena Passarelli, Ermínia Maricato, Marly Rodrigues

Municipality of Santo André

Texto e Imagem

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